The course content of the environment management plan is given here. Every content will be discussed in this course. Hope the environmental graduate and professionals will be benefited after completing this course.
Table of Contents
Environmental Management:
Definition, Basic concepts, objectives and scope of environmental management; nature and evolution of the concepts related to environmental management, the process and goals of environmental management, approaches to environmental management, Environmental management challenges, level of integration, contextual challenges, governance- governmental organization, and NGOs
Sustainability versus environmental management:
Living in an exponential world – Resource demands, material criticality and environmental degradation, Socio-economic context of sustainability issues. Sustainable development goals (SDGs), Predictive and scientific instruments pertaining to environmental sustainability, linking SDGs to environmental management, measuring sustainable development both nationally and globally, Inclusion of climate change in environmental management.
Environmental management principles and approaches:
Precautionary Principle, Uncertainty Principle, Intra-generational Equity, Inter-generational Equity, Recognition and Preservation of Diversity, Internalization of Costs, The Polluter Pays Principle, The Prevention Principle, The Protection and Promotion of Health and Safety, Principle of Multi-sectoral Integration, The Principle of Subsidiarity, Developing Guidelines, Participatory, Adaptive, Expert and Decision support systems. Local, community, regional and sectoral environmental management. The state and environmental management. Transboundary and global environmental management. Integrated and Strategic environmental management. Political ecology and human ecology approach to environmental management.
Tools and standards pertaining to environmental management:
Environmental policy and legal instruments, Environmental standards, indicators and benchmarks, international environmental conventions and treaties having a strong bearing on environmental management; EIA, SEA, SIA in environmental management; Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001, EMAS -The Eco-Management And Audit Scheme, Environmental Auditing, Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) – Development, Types, and uses of EPIs, Environmental Accounting & Cleaner Production, Environmental footprints: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Screening (LCS), Met-Matrix. Material Input Per Service Unit (MIPS), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), Eco Labeling (EL), Sustainability reporting; Environmental management plan (EMP).
Emerging platforms for software-based environmental management systems:
Emisoft’s environmental management, reporting, and compliance platform; Medgate environmental management software; EsDat environmental data management system; Enviance regulatory compliance system; ERA, Environmental management system.
Environmental management in south asian country (Bangladesh):
The evolution of environmental management in Bangladesh, Legal, policy and administrative context of environmental management in Bangladesh, loopholes of environmental management in Bangladesh, drivers and constraints of environmental management in Bangladesh, Public sector versus corporate and Forced versus Induced(??) environmental management in Bangladesh, Issues in the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in Bangladesh. Integrated Approach to Environmental Management in Bangladesh. Case studies- Mega structure-Padma bridge, power plant, Environmental Management in Heavy Industry, Coastal zone environmental Management, Fish and Game (and freshwater) management, Exclusive economic zone development, etc.
Spatial Decision Making in Environmental management:
a. Examine the nature, causes, and impacts of major types of environmental change. How do these changes operate and interact on global, regional, and local scales? How do they relate to critical social and ecological systems?
b.Examine the economic, legal, cultural, and ethical underpinnings of environmental responsibility and systemic solutions, including mitigation, adaptation, remediation, enhanced resource stewardship, and other sustainable responses to environmental change at different scales and within different organizational contexts
c. Empower environmental leaders to address the world’s most pressing environmental problems through an understanding of and training in the key analytical and practical skills, and in a broad appreciation of earth systems and societies in relation to environmental change.
These are the key contents of the environmental management planning course. If there is any gap or if you think some specific should be included with this content, please feel free to inform us by commenting below.