In this article you will know about ground water quality and surface water quality in details. The surface water quality and ground water quality helps to understand the pllution level of water.

In this category, some global issues on the environment such as acid rain, greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming and climate change with global efforts for protecting such possibilities are discussed in greater detail.
In this article you will know about ground water quality and surface water quality in details. The surface water quality and ground water quality helps to understand the pllution level of water.
In this article, a comprehensive discussion is arranged about water pollution. Besides, Sources of Water Pollution (point and non-point sources of water pollution) is also discussed here in detail. We hope, you will be benefited and get all the information that you are searching for.
Virtual water is an important factor to be considered. Because water scarcity in the world is increasing. To save the water in areas of water problem virtual water concept should be known by us. In this discussion, we are going to try to understand the concept of virtual water, why we should know about it, how this concept has evolved?
Virtual water is the amount of water embodied in the production of various foods and fibre and non-food items, including energy. The idea of virtual water is significant because it supports us to realize why we need to think about water and food security as we have solid evidence that the available water resources are inadequate to sustain our national economies. Virtual water also termed “indirect water” or “embedded water,” or the water which is “hidden” in our day-to-day products, services we use, and processes that people purchase and use in everyday life. Although we cannot see the virtual water by the end-user of the products or services, that water has been spent throughout the entire value chain.
The greenhouse effect is another key global environmental issue. Nowadays, it is a hot cake. Scientists are more concerned about the amount of greenhouse gases. Almost in every national and international conference or meeting on the environment, there must be a discussion about the greenhouse effect. In this article, a comprehensive discussion about the greenhouse effect, its gases and the adverse effect and benefits of the greenhouse effect.
Acid rain is nothing but normal rain or another type of precipitation that is acidic. Nowadays, acid rain is a key global environmental issue. In this article, every ins and out of acid rain is discussed. The defination of acid rain, main causes of acid rain, harmful effects of acid rain, formation of acid rain, ph of acid rain, acid rain control measures etc. have been discussed in this post in detail.